The fire losses in the area served by this department showed an increase from $512,796.42 in 1959–60 to $547,040.04 in 1960-61.

Due to the fact that there were no four-alarm fires during the past year, it was hoped that the fire losses in the area of the Stamford Fire Department would again be reduced, but it was not meant to be. Instead, the losses were increased by $34,243.62 over the last year.

We in the fire department believe that the inspection of the fire prevention Bureau has contributed greatly toward keeping fire losses down. And we also feel that the officers and firemen of the extinguishing service I’ve done an equally fine job in preventing the small fires from becoming more serious. Then too, there are those people throughout the city who are aware of the meaning of losses by fire who make a substantial contribution toward keeping fire losses down. And we are not unmindful that there are times when Lady Luck plays an important role. During the past year, we like to feel we enjoyed a measure of good luck.



Careful planning relative to the placement of personnel, the synchronizing of various training programs, scheduling routine fire station maintenance programs and the improved recording of all phases of the fire service has improved the efficiency of the entire department and provided cleaner and more pleasant working conditions at all the stations.

During the past year, all communications in the Stamford Fire Department – fire alarms and radio, and the inter-communications at all stations – have functions with very little difficulty due to the continuous preventative maintenance by the superintendent of communications and the super tender of fire alarms.

During the past year, the 19 pieces of fire apparatus, cars, and other rolling equipment were maintained in good running order and were out of service for only minor repairs. Preventative maintenance by the mechanical department contributed towards keeping all rolling equipment in service.

On February 10, 1961, a second grill was added to the clerical staff in the clerk’s office. This made three girls now in the fire department – one in the Chief’s office and two in the clerk’s office with an administrative clerk.

As of July 1, 1961, the total personnel in the Stamford Fire Department is 192.  189 male, 3 female. As of this date, all categories are filled except the following:

  • Assistant Superintendent of Alarms
  • Three Lieutenants
  • Secretary in Chief’s office on leave of absence – position being covered temporarily by clerk typist who is in turn is covered by a temporary clerk typist.

Working conditions were further improved during the past year by the actions of the civil service commission on June 6, 1961. The number of holidays allowed each officer and member of the department was changed from 6 to 11 holidays each calendar year. This was done with no personnel being added to the department. The maximum machine coverage at all times at all stations Will be reduced between two and four men at each station, but the minimum coverage will not be reduced unless sickness or injuries greatly increase.

1960-1961 Annual Report of the SFD