On January 24, 2008, Stamford Firefighters battled a two-alarm structure fire at 54 Adams Avenue. The incident was first reported at approximately 8:38 am by a caller who stated “there was a lot of black smoke coming out of the house”.
When the first fire units arrived on the scene, they observed heavy smoke and fire emitting from the rear of the building. The Incident Commander immediately called for a second alarm. Primary and secondary searches were completed with no occupants found in the building. Fire crews fought the fire from the inside of the occupancy until conditions warranted a defensive attack on the outside.
The fire was contained to the rear of the building where firefighters were then able to return inside the building and extinguish any remaining hot spots. The building sustained water, smoke, and fire damage on all three floors. There were no injuries to fire personnel or to any civilians.
Photographer: Unknown