Janet Terhune
for her very generous donation to our historical collection. After some genealogy research we were able to determine that she is a descendant of the second wife of Chief Veit. When she found them and we determined how she came to posses them, she insisted that they be “donated and displayed where they belong”.

Glen Wecker
Postcard and…

Glen Wecker, a Stamford resident, and a part-time collectibles collector/dealer/researcher just made an incredible donation to the Stamford Fire History Project. He acquired this coat from a residence in North Stamford. A heavy wool overcoat similar to this one was once issued to all member of the Stamford Fire Department. This one, being double breasted with silver buttons indicates it was issued to a Captain (there were no Lieutenants back then). The only markings on it are a tag labeled as “Skinner’s Rayon Satin”. Using Google, many newspapers mention “Skinner’s Rayon Satin” between 1913 and 1945. The buttons are all SFD buttons.THANK YOU GLEN!

Red Schreck
Countless Photographs
Doris Parker Risley
his wonderful framed memory is in honor of the second Fire Chief (1905-1920) of the Stamford Fire Department, Harry W Parker. It was donated by his daughter Doris Parker Risley and now is part of our growing collection of memorabilia at the Central Fire Station.

Susan Roper
ALERT! Angela Carella of the “Stamford Advocate” called me today to talk with me about the SFD Christmas Tree Stand tradition. She wants to write an article about it, but has a deadline of tomorrow afternoon. I first I heard of the tradition when Susan Roper, Grand-daughter of Romer Myers donated one to us. Then Daniel S. Burke filled in some more details. Since I wasn’t really involved in it, I think it would be wonderful if she talked to one of you who had or has one, so you can tell her your memories of it. If you are interested in talking to her tomorrow, PM me ASAP with a telephone number. I will forward her your contact info.Attention: Bridget Ormond Kopek, Rick Daly, Tony Tomczyk, and anybody else who is familiar with the tradition.Hopefully, you don’t mind me sending her the photos everybody posted of the Stands. If used, she will provide credit as needed.