
2010 Firefighter of the Year Lieutenant James B Arndt

Fire Lieutenant James B. Arndt has been chosen as the 2010 “Firefighter of the Year” for his outstanding & unconditional service and contribution to this department. Jim has devoted an exorbitant amount of time to establishing the MDT system, Firehouse maintenance, PC & printer repair and maintenance, and the dispatching [...]

By |2016-12-02T01:30:37-05:00November 27, 2016|Categories: Fire Lieutenants, Firefighter of the Year|Tags: |Comments Off on 2010 Firefighter of the Year Lieutenant James B Arndt

2011: Firefighter of the Year Captain Eric G Lorenz

Captain Eric G. Lorenz has worked for the Stamford Fire Rescue Department (SFRD) since January 19, 1995 where he has progressed through the ranks to his current position of Fire Captain.  Captain Lorenz is a devoted firefighter and has contributed much of his time to the betterment of others through [...]

By |2021-05-03T21:21:37-05:00November 27, 2016|Categories: Fire Captains, Firefighter of the Year, Timeline|Tags: |Comments Off on 2011: Firefighter of the Year Captain Eric G Lorenz

2012: Firefighter of the Year Firefighter Frank Docimo Jr

In his less than five (5) years of service to Stamford Fire and Rescue, Frank has already made contributions to this Department equivalent to a lifetime of service. The following is only a short list of the many contributions he has made: Frank is a skilled automotive electrical specialist and [...]

By |2021-05-03T21:21:38-05:00November 27, 2016|Categories: Firefighter of the Year, Firefighters, Timeline|Tags: |Comments Off on 2012: Firefighter of the Year Firefighter Frank Docimo Jr

The History of Stamford’s Steam Fire Engines

During a violent afternoon storm on August 7, 1882, lightning struck the wooden steeple  of the Presbyterian Church and set it afire. The church then was on the north side of Broad St. between Bedford and Summer. Atlantic Hose Co. quickly laid hose to the belfry but hydrant pressure was [...]

By |2021-05-05T11:22:46-05:00November 24, 2016|Categories: Apparatus|Tags: , , |Comments Off on The History of Stamford’s Steam Fire Engines
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